Monday, 8 November 2010

How i found myself in the library

Today has got to have been the coldest day ever. Walked out of the place I'm staying at and was greeted my the delicious cold wind with a touch of rain. I had no fear because I had my umbrella with me (yes, I now for the very first time in my life own an umbrella)! I didn't get very far with it, as son as I got around the corner the wind decided to mess with me a bit. Hanging onto the umbrella,as I did the bungee cord, I swear my feet left the ground and I started propelling in a forward fashion. It was ok though,because nobody in the street saw me,although I think the kids in the primary school may have had a good laugh...=)

Anyway, made it to Kings Manor intact and headed straight for the library,not because I'm a bookworm,geek or nerd (I am actually), but it was warm in there. I suppose I could have gone to the coffee shop next door,but then I would have been short on bus fare and dinner tonight. I m meant to finish and hand-in at least one of the two assignments due this Wednesday...library seemed like a good sanctuary. The topics re not all that stimulating,but then again they never really are now are they? Just got to bite the bullet. Ok, so the Kings Manor library...not that impressive really in my opinion. I mean this is where the archaeology department is, you would think that I would get lost in the vast valleys of books...nope. The archaeology section of the library can be found downstairs via a scary looking set of really small and narrow stairs. I mean how are my wide hips meant to negotiate that?


Right so Kings Manor archaeology section...a corner shelf! Yeah well, guess who had to go to the main campus library today? Did I go? Nope! I need to eat...

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