Tuesday 13 September 2011

The end of the line...

The journey to get here started with one and so it has to end with only one yet again.
Just last week I handed in the final version of my MSc thesis and by the good grace of God, I finally made it to the end. The end of the most challenging, eye-opening and exciting year of my life. So, what have I learned this year?

·         Well, that I can be alone & survive it all (not that I would do it again in a hurry)
·         Even though my family annoys the crap out of me, I miss them to bits
·         Your true friends are the ones that are there despite the distant. I mean with some of my mates back home, I forget that we’re 12 hours apart from each other. Yes, not everyone is good at keeping contact, but there is that fine line that separates you from being an acquaintance, a mate, a bestie, and a soul-mate. That reminds me; I had my fortune read by a woman I met before moving out to York. Totally random as I was just picking up my Dad’s dry cleaning for him when she just took my hand looked at me and said that in my new adventure I would find my soul-mate. Your soul-mate isn’t necessarily your partner, but could be a friend you just realised you can’t live without. There has been one that I could never stop thinking about no matter how hard I tried to move on from the poor basis of a friendship we had. I still can’t get over it and figure we were never really friends to start out with, just two people looking for someone to fill the void but caught in the friendship entrapment.
·         Making new friends may not be easy, but it sure as hell so much fun when a good thing is going
·         I hate people who just won’t see my point of view. You don’t have to accept it, just hear me out
·         I need a break from academia & enter the real world of a 09:00 – 17:00 job, rent, and bills to pay...not fun!
·         Far too young and restless to slow down and settle. A manfriend who can live out my adventurous lifestyle with me would be welcomed.
·         On the topic of manfriends, I suck at picking out the right one. My entire selection just ends up in a train wreck.
·         Just one step closer to fulfilling my life’s dream with the ultimate career and getting there is much harder than I thought it would be. No pressure, no diamonds...

Can’t believe an entire year has passed already, but we (bioarch’s & Stacie) made it to the very end. What now?? Guess we just take over the world with our nerdiness, one small county, state, country, and continent at a time. To the new Cool Kid’s Club: English Version =)

Dare You to Move -Vitamin String Quartet playing in my head =)

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