Remember in the last post how I claimed that nothing at all had changed in SA?? What the hell did I know, I had only been in SA for little over 2 weeks! I can honestly say that a shit-load of things and people have changed. I'm not trying to be mean and target people, and I know that changed is unavoidable, its going to happen whether I like it or not. It's just that I did not expect it to be this drastic, actually I didn't expect it at all. Maybe that's the problem. Over the past 5 months away I had stored all the memories and awesomeness of my family and mates, preserved and conserved them in their pristine and original condition, that coming back to this...made me really angry and sad. I cried!! It was the memories that kept me going in that fridge wasteland! Ok, I'm being a bit of a snob-nosed bitch right now, but thank you mates for giving me 5 minutes of your lives, while I on the other hand spent 12 hours in flight traveling half way across the world, paid around R12000, and a month out of my dissertation writing time to see your asses!!! It's cool now, I'm over it...I know I don't exactly fit in anymore, but hey so what...I'm a big girl (I think) it's just water over my really curved back now. Moving on...
I still have more rant in me, but no...! Change...have I changed? I hope not at this point I like me, so changing would ruin that, maybe later =)
I'm tired now, think I've dramatized my life a bit too much now. Time to just mellow and chill out a bit with a bunch of guys, who even though have changed, they still get me.
The power of music =) God-sent =)
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